The SAFE-OM-R system has different configurations depending on the machine platform.
In all the cases, has the next elements:
- LX-Switch. System operation display located on the ground that allows knowing the status of each component of the system
- The luminaires are wired to avoid the need for machine wiring and connectorization. Cable lengths depend on each platform
- The sensors are wired to the luminaire.
- Magnet attachment for easy placement on the installed machine.
- Quick connectorized for easy connection to the machine
- Long battery life and extended thermal range (no replacement required).
The incorporation of a LX-R system includes:
- System optimization for each platform.
- Simulations to determine the light values at each point of the wind turbine.
- Installation manual.
- Turnkey installation (optional). Failing that, the installers of the property can be trained.
- Outputs for integration in SCADAs of the machine (optional) or cloud access (optional).
LX-R is the right choice for owners who want to improve the safety of their machines and their management, including functionalities such as fire detection, intrusion detection or operational and emergency lighting, as well as improving visual or audible warning systems for an eventual emergency evacuation. SAFE-OM-R allows such integration in an optimal and robust way, achieving a reinforced safety level thanks to the interaction of the elements and their simple local and remote management, thus optimizing inspection and maintenance costs. The retrofitting time per machine is less than 6 hours and requires 2 people.